Martin Warnes wrote:
> Bill Meier wrote:
>> Martin Warnes wrote:
>>> Unhandled exception ("proto.c:4238: failed assertion "hfinfo->display == 
>>> BASE_NONE"", group=1, code=4)
>>>  I'm guessing something may have changed that needs to be rolled into
>>> the JGroups code but I just can't figure it out, if anyone is able to
>>> enlighten me on what the cause of this assertion or changes since 1.3.0
>>> that may possibly have caused this issue then I'd be really greatful.
>> Yep:  Wireshark now verifies that in the hf[] array
>>        that each entry with a non-integer type
>>       (FT_NONE, FT_BYTES, etc) has a
>>        "display type" of FT_NONE).
>>        Find and fix as needed and you should be fine ....

Oops:  That should be BASE_NONE....

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