Thank you for your answer!

1. yes , it is a permanently allocated string.
2. actually i used col_append_str() for appending something. At the
beginning i used col_add_str(), as i getted adviced from the developer
guide. I wrote "col_set_str()" by mistake in my first email. Apologise!
Thanks for the tip anyway!

windows debugger: Thanks i will check it!

I loosed my problem actually by adding the col_append_str() routines before
the " if (tree) {...}" in my dissector.
But my question remains.....why was it working in linux but in windows

If you feel like giving your answer here, thanks in advance!


On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Bill Meier <> wrote:

> Manthos S. wrote:
> > Dear experts,
> >
> > i wanted to append something to the Info-Column of my dissector. I did it
> > with:
> >
> >         if(check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
> >           col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " something");
> >
> > ..and in linux worked perfect! I checked it out to my repository, booted
> > with windows, made svn update, compiled in windows, copied the
> > .dll......but  no result.(???)
> > No errors or warnings at all!
> > What could be the reason?
> 1. Is " something" a permanently allocated string ??
>  From the source ...
> /* Use this if "str" points to something that will stay around (and thus
>    needn't be copied). */
> void
> col_set_str(column_info *cinfo, const gint el, const gchar* str)
> 2. if (check_col()) is no longert needed since the check is done in
> col_set_str.
> >
> > How could i launch wireshark from the console in the same thread like
> linux
> > for debugging?
> >
> See the wireshark wiki for info on using the Windows VC debugger.
> Essentially: you open Wireshark exe as a "project" in the VC IDE and
> then set breakpoints and etc.
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