On 23 sep 2010, at 17:55, Sake Blok wrote:

> On 23 sep 2010, at 09:37, Stig Bjørlykke wrote:
>> I have some small issues:
>> 1.  When showing all occurrences and turning off "Show Resolved" (on
>> an entry which is resolved) nothing is displayed (e.g. ip.proto on an
>> icmp package).  The correct would be to display all values.
> I will look into this...

Fixed in revision 34247

>> 2. When entering a big number in "Field occurrence" we get an
>> overflow.  Maybe we should limit this value to a decent maximum?
> No problem, how does 250 sound as a limit?

Also fixed in revision 34247 by limiting the input field to 4 characters, which 
limits the value for occurrence to -999 and 9999. I doubt there are tracefiles 
with this many occurrences of a particular field :-)



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