On 03/02/2011 09:45, Guy Harris wrote:
> On Feb 3, 2011, at 1:37 AM, Graham Bloice wrote:
>> Possibly taking us off in a tangent, but I think the code detecting the 
>> compiler in use is actually wrong.  IMHO hat is more important is the SDK 
>> that is being used.
> So the command-line flags we'd use with the compiler and linker are *solely* 
> dependent on the SDK?
> If not, then we need to check the toolchain in use (as we do now) to 
> determine what flags to use, as well as, perhaps, also checking the SDK.
I've perhaps conjoined two issues.  Compiler and linker flags do depend on the
toolchain in use, but IME don't actually vary too much.  Compile time
decisions on what the OS API's and structures look like depend on the SDK in
use.  The SDK's often introduce updated versions of the toolchain as well.


Graham Bloice

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