On Jun 28, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Guy Harris wrote:

> On Jun 28, 2011, at 10:27 AM, Guy Harris wrote:
>>      when putting them into a textual representation of the protocol tree or 
>> into columns or something else to be shown to humans, map them to UTF-8, 
>> with anything that can't be mapped to UTF-8 - including, if the encoding is 
>> putatively UTF-8, octet sequences that aren't valid UTF-8 sequences - shown 
>> as the Unicode replacement character U+FFFD;
> ...and, for "for display" conversions, we might want to convert control 
> characters to "Control Pictures" symbols (0x0000 to 0x001F convert to 0x2400 
> to 0x241f: ␀, ␁, etc. through ␟; 0x007F converts to 0x2421, i.e. ␡ - in the 
> font in which this message is being displayed to me, those have the control 
> character abbreviations displayed in really really small letters, diagonally 
> from upper left to lower right; unfortunately, I see nothing for C1 control 
> characters).


That claims that this is "as of Unicode 6.0", so, if true, either they have a 
different name for control pictures for C1 control characters or there aren't 
any.  (I have no idea what those other symbols are doing in there.)

U+FFFD is often shown as a white question mark inside a black diamond:


Oh, and if we're going to be extremely completist, there are the EBCDIC control 
characters, for which there are not always control pictures; see table 5.1:


This was from 1998.  I don't know whether any of the proposals were accepted.
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