If I  don't add my code,building is ok!so i guess python's version should be ok.
I just add a line like:
#include "../uthash.h"
to packet_ppp.c.then i get error.
but i'll try 2.7


At 2011-08-23 18:22:38,"Graham Bloice" <> wrote:
>On 23/08/2011 10:34, lookfar wrote:
>> Hi,Dear friends:
>> I'm a beginner in wireshark.And I 'm from china.
>> my version is wireshark-1.7.0-SVN-38520.
>> the error is :
>> E:\wireshark-1.7.0-SVN-38520\epan\dissectors>nmake -f Makefile.nmake
>> Microsoft (R) 程序维护实用工具 9.00.30729.01 版
>> 版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
>> Making register.c (using python)
>>   File "../../tools/", line 62
>>     print "Unknown output type '%s'" % registertype
>>                                    ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: “D:\Python32\python.exe”: 返回代码“0x1”
>> Stop.
><SNIP of repeated copies of the same error>
>> the end of error.
>> it's ok after I restore the file using the original packet_ppp.c file in
>> zipfile .
>> I'm wondering the relation between python file and C source file,Is it some
>> fixed rule in parsing dissector source file to build register code?
>> thanks
>> I'm in hurry,if you are able to do me a favour,please!!!!
>> Michael
>1st point, normally you would run nmake from the top level directory in the
>sources, not down in epan\dissectors, but I don't think that's causing your 
>2nd point, yes the python script builds register.c by parsing all the
>dissector sources for dissector registration calls.
>3rd point, you're using Python 3.2, the Developers Guid states that Python 2.7
>should be used.  The error reported suggest the python interpreter found a
>syntax in the script so I think there is some 3.2 incompatibility here.
>Graham Bloice
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