On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Anders Broman wrote:

> I think there is two paths that can be taken either add options and/or blocks 
> as needed to the file format or
> encode the comment in some way, using the preferences simple format is one 
> option.
> I'm leaning towards using the comments somehow. One could have Wireshark 
> begin/end tags for
> other programs to skip that part of the comments.

I presume you don't mean "store them in opt_comment options", as other apps 
should not have to know about special tags in comments to indicate that they're 
not really comments.

I'd go for registering a "wireshark preferences" option and just have it store 
raw preferences-file text; we'd also want, I think, another option for UATs, 
with the name of the UAT and its contents.
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