I was having issues compiling a x64 build of Wireshark on a Win7x64 bit PC.  I 
followed the instructions to the letter as referenced in the Win build page:


All to no avail.  After reinstalling several times and googling for most of the 
day, the answer was found.

The referenced sugested setup batch file to build x64 Wireshark is:

@echo off
echo Adding things to the path...
set PATH=%PATH%;.
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\cygwin\bin echo Setting up Visual Studio environment...
call "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" amd64 
title Command Prompt (VC++ 2010)
The issue was that the vcvars32.bat amd64 branch is broken.  The script is 
looking for files that don't exist.

To fix this the line 'call "c:\windows..." line should now read:

call "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\BIn\SetEnv.cmd" /x64

The /x64 can be changed to set any number of different compile options.

The file vcvars32.bat does exist and if you wish to compile 32 bit programs, 
all should be OK without this change.

Thanks as always
Alex Lindberg
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