On Mar 23, 2013, at 4:02 PM, Roland Knall <rkn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the script. Was what I was looking for. But, the thing is
> messed up. Fixated on static versions and download urls, for one
> thing. If something goes wrong during download, the whole process is
> started again. And doing the whole thing without macport is strictly
> speaking a painful process.
> It works with autotools, but doesn't with cmake.

What does "it" refer to here?  Presumably not macosx-setup.sh, as that's a 
stand-alone script, and is neither run by the Makefile generated by the 
autotools nor by the Makefile generated by CMake.  Whether it installs stuff 
needed by the autotools or CMake to configure Wireshark is up to the software 
it's installing, not by the script itself.

> Some of the things I noticed so far:
> * Disabling werror is a necessity,

Disabling -Werror for what?

If you're referring to Wireshark, rather than macosx-setup.sh, we build it on 
several platforms with -Werror; it builds just fine for me on Mountain Lion 
with -Werror.
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