On 3/26/2013 1:29 PM, Guy Harris wrote:

On Mar 26, 2013, at 5:40 AM, Bill Meier <wme...@newsguy.com> wrote:

I'm curious why you added the following test in the recent value_string.c patch

      if (first_value > vs_p[i].value) {
        g_warning("Extended value string %s forced to fall back to linear search: entry 
%u, value %u < first entry, value %u",
                  vse->_vs_name, i, vs_p[i].value, first_value);
        type = VS_SEARCH;

I don't think it's adding that test - unless I missed something, the change was 

        if ((type == VS_BIN_TREE) && (A || B)) {
                type = VS_SEARCH;


        if (type == VS_BIN_TREE) {
                if (A) {
                        complain about A;
                        type = VS_SEARCH;
                if (B) {
                        complain about B;
                        type = VS_SEARCH;

B is first_value > vs_p[i].value, so it was being tested for before my change.  
I didn't add a test, I just split one so that the warning message would report 
whether A or B was the failure case.

Do you feel that the "special case" described in the comments (see extract 
below) should be dis-allowed (maybe because it's a bit of a hack) ?

If so, ISTR there are some value string arrays which will need to be re-ordered.


/* Note: The value_string 'value' is *unsigned*.
*   Special case:
*    { -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 }  will be treated as "ascending ordered"
                               (altho not really such)
*                             thus allowing as a 'direct' search.

Unless I'm missing something, if that's the special case to which you're 
referring, then

        vs_p[i].value != (i + first_value)

will not be true in any case - the array is

        { 0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 1, 2 }

and, given that it's 32-bit unsigned arithmetic (arithmetic mod 2^32-1), that 
test will always be false, so the loop will never fall back to VS_BIN_TREE, and 
the test that was changed will never happen.

*   Note:
*    { -3, -2, 0, 1, 2 } and { -3, -2, -1, 0, 2 } will both be
                                considered as "out-of-order with gaps"
*                              thus requiring a 'linear' search.


        { 0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0, 1, 2 }


        vs_p[i].value != (i + first_value)

will fail for i = 2, as (0xFFFFFFFD + 2) = 0xFFFFFFFF, which is != 0.

So it'll fall back to VS_BIN_TREE; first_value is 0xFFFFFFFD, which is > 0, so 
it'll fall back again to VS_SEARCH, but that'd happen in either version of the 
*    { 0, 1, 2, -3, -2 } and { 0, 2, -3, -2, -1 } will be considered
                                "ascending ordered with gaps"
*                              thus allowing a 'binary' search.

The first of those is

        { 0, 1, 2, 0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFE }

and that'll fail the

        vs_p[i].value != (i + first_value)

test for i = 3, and fall back to VS_BIN_TREE, but it won't fail either of the 
tests done for VS_BIN_TREE, in either version of the code.

The second of those is

        { 0, 2, 0xFFFFFFFD, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF }

and the same applies, except that it'll fall back to VS_BIN_TREE for i = 2.

Right you are !  I was too quick on the draw :(

Sorry for the noise ....


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