On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 12:19:58PM -0500, Hadriel Kaplan wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2014, at 3:51 AM, Joerg Mayer <jma...@loplof.de> wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 08:39:37PM -0500, Hadriel Kaplan wrote:
> > 
> >> - avoiding merging local branches because a merge commit won't have the 
> >> change-id and can't/shouldn't be sent up to gerrit
> > 
> > ?
> I believe that if you have two local branches, or even a local master and one 
> branch off of it with changes in the other branch, and you do 'git merge ...' 
> to merge from master to the other branch, git will auto-create a commit 
> message about that merge event.  But that merge commit message doesn't get 
> hooked by the commit-msg change-id hook, apparently. (which is not a bad 
> thing, just noting it) So now you have a commit message in your git log 
> without a change-id.  When you next try to push your branch's changes to 
> gerrit, gerrit will refuse your push because one of the commits being pushed 
> is that merge commit message, which doesn't have a change-id.
> That blocked me for a long time, because I couldn't figure out why gerrit was 
> rejecting my push. I tried to see what my machine was pushing, but of course 
> it's over SSH, and the "verbose" option for 'git push' isn't *actually* 
> verbose at all. It took me forever to figure out the merge commit itself 
> didn't have the change-id, was getting pushed, and thus getting rejected. 
> (although that's mostly because it was late at night and I was being an idiot)
> Needless to say I now never merge from my local master to my local branches - 
> I only rebase.  That's better for wireshark anyway, because the gerrit 
> changes are cherry-picked not merged themselves. So it's not like the history 
> matters, and it would complicate things if everyone's local merges were 
> visible.

Oh, now I understand. Yes, that hit me during my first two changes as well ;-)
I worked on master (which is considered bad practice at least in Gerrit but 
also in git) and then I did more than one (unrelated) commit (which is also 
upon from a Gerrit point of view). But after doing that I understood what Guy
wrote about the need to rebase which I had not understood by just reading the
mail exchanges at the time.

> >> - using the pre-commit hook to catch whitespace errors
> > 
> > Would it make sense to move the pre-commit hook from gerrit to tools/ ?
> I'm not sure if we mean the same hook... I wasn't talking about the gerrit 
> pre-commit - I mean the one in your local git repo, under .git/hooks/ called 
> 'pre-commit.sample'. You just remove the '.sample' suffix from the file name, 
> make sure it's executable, and voilà, git refuses to commit if you have 
> whitespace errors.

Oops, I mixed up commit.msg and pre-commit - my fault. Thanks for pointing that 

> >> - squashing commits into one commit to be gerrit'ed
> > 
> > ?
> This one would take a while to explain.  If there were an appropriate wiki 
> page, I'd have put something about that into it. :)

OK, then go ahead and do it - I don't insist on doing the first development in
git :-)

> > How about the following:
> > - Decide on a list of workflows to document.
> > - Create a single tutorials document in git that contains command line
> >  stuff only (see below)
> > - Have everyone work on that single document and fill it with these examples
> >  (each example should cover the complete workflow).
> I'm fine with whatever... though I really think workflow-type things 
> shouldn't be tracked in releases.  Will we backport future workflow doc 
> changes into all previous release branches too?

OK, looks like I didn't manage to get my idea across: Do the first stage of
the document in git, the put it into wiki - but I have to admit that this
probably isn't a working idea so doing it directly in wiki looks to be the
right way.

> As an aside: at my day job we don't use git, but we have similar problems 
> with source-controlled things that have a different lifecycle than individual 
> releases, but which the individual release needs to compile with.  For 
> example MIBs/OIDs, or home-grown tools used during building/compilation. We 
> don't want to keep back-porting/merging them allover, so we put them in their 
> own projects, and have our main code project/branch point to those other 
> projects. That way one change in the tools project, for example, is seen/used 
> by all code branches. But that's way overkill for this one workflow doc. (it 
> might make sense for enterprise numbers in wireshark, however)

Joerg Mayer                                           <jma...@loplof.de>
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that
works. Some say that should read Microsoft instead of technology.
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