On 8/15/14 12:17 PM, Jeff Morriss wrote:
> Hi folks,
> One thing I've noticed about the Petri-Dish flag in Gerrit is that every
> time I set it to +1 I get an error saying "needs code review."  Since
> Chris just noticed and complained about that too (on change 3624) I
> thought I'd mention it here.

Are you pressing the "Publish Comments" or "Publish and Submit" button
when this happens? We're currently using the default MaxWithBlock
setting[1] for the Code-Review label, which means that submission
requires at least one "+2" set and no "-2"s.

It would be nice if Gerrit disabled "Publish and Submit" when the
required conditions aren't met but its development team seems to prefer
error messages. For what it's worth I've been trying to reduce this
behavior in the Qt interface.[2]


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