The #include "config.h" statement is a mistake, it should refer to #include

I've committed a change to .

It builds find on my Linux and Mac (using GLib 2.36).

Also looking at the Mac buildbot (GLib < 2.34 is the issue) right now, and
maybe have a solution for that in the afternoon.


On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Graham Bloice <
> wrote:

> On 21 August 2014 10:04, Guy Harris <> wrote:
>> On Aug 21, 2014, at 1:57 AM, Graham Bloice <>
>> wrote:
>> > This obviously worked before the merge of ExtCap, so that has disturbed
>> things.  The CMake build should be using the generated one in the CMake
>> build directory, i.e.
>> C:\buildbot\wireshark\wireshark-master-64\win7x64\build\cmbuild\config.h,
>> but the nmake build copy is getting in the mix.
>> I don't think that building using build system A and then, without first
>> cleaning up all the generated files from build system A, building using
>> build system B is guaranteed to work.  (I've had problems with, for
>> example, an in-tree autotools build followed by an out-of-tree CMake build
>> - *before* the extcap stuff was checked in, so it wasn't extcap's fault.)
>> We should either do a separate checkout for the Windows CMake build or
>> should do an "nmake -f Makefile.nmake maintainer-clean" before the CMake
>> build.
> Unfortunately the Windows CMake build currently requires the zlib dll
> built by nmake, so until that gets fixed the Windows CMake can't be built
> from a totally clean system (or could be but without zlib support).
> In general though, for out-of-tree builds, it would seem that using the
> quoted form of #include is a little dangerous, I've always had the idea
> that angle bracket form was for system or platform includes and quoted form
> for project includes, but maybe I was just confused.
> --
> Graham Bloice
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