On Sep 15, 2014, at 10:44 AM, "Herb Falk <h...@sisconet.com>" 
<h...@sisconet.com> wrote:

> There appears to be an issue with Wireshark capturing information from 
> interfaces that have the same MAC Address.

So what is the issue?  Does capture fail to start?  If so, what error is 
reported?  Do some packets not get captured?  Do no packets get captured? On 
what operating system is this?

> Does somebody know if this is an issue, or where the code for interface/MAC 
> address binding is?

What do you mean by "binding"?  Assigning a MAC address to an interface?  
Deciding, if both interfaces receive a copy of a given packet, which one gets 
inserted into the networking code and passed up to libpcap/WinPcap and thus to 
Wireshark?  In both of those cases, the code is in your OS, and where it is in 
the OS depends on what OS it is.
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