On 12/15/14, 8:39 AM, Jeff Morriss wrote:
> On 12/10/14 12:17, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa wrote:
>> Many thanks for the detailed info to everyone.
>> I already pushed some of my changes (already accepted) to the
>> repository, and I will keep doing that in the future.
>> I have a last question (technical one this time). Do you build Wireshark
>> for Solaris (9 and 10)? I am facing issues doing it and I want to know
>> if it is supposed to work and the problems are on my side.
>> Anyone here has done that before manually? Any recommendation on where
>> to get the missing packages?
> When I last built for Solaris I was using the packages from opencsw.org
> .  They make it easy with a command to install, for example, Gtk
> together with all its dependencies.

The Solaris buildbot[1] uses OpenCSW packages as well. If you run into
trouble you might look at some of the build steps. For example, the
following `configure` command is currently used for compiling with gcc:

./configure LDFLAGS=-R/opt/csw/lib CFLAGS=-DG_CONST_RETURN=const
--with-gtk2 --disable-warnings-as-errors --with-pcap=/opt/csw
--with-gnutls=yes --with-gcrypt=yes --with-libgcrypt-prefix=/opt/csw
--with-libsmi=/opt/csw --with-zlib=/opt/csw --with-geoip=/opt/csw
--with-krb5=/opt/csw --with-c-ares=/opt/csw --with-qt

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