>Message: 2
>Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 17:58:46 +0000 (UTC)
>From: Christopher Maynard <christopher.mayn...@igt.com>
>To: wireshark-dev@wireshark.org
>Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] proto.h extension
>Message-ID: <loom.20150507t193823...@post.gmane.org>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>John Dill <John.Dill@...> writes:
>> On a unrelated note, is there some way to begin a capture in wireshark (or
>one of its tools) when a packet
>> matches a filter expression?  For example, I have a specific packet that
>triggers some process on the
>> system, and I want to capture for the next 2 minutes and then stop.
>This is not directly possible, no.  However, you can script something
>together to make this work by utilizing 2 instances of dumpcap, for example.
> The first instance would wait for the capture event of interest, then
>terminate, which would allow the second instance to be started up with the
>capture settings you desire (e.g., capturing for 2 minutes, etc.).
>If you're running on Windows, I wrote a dumpcap.bat batch file to help with
>this, which I originally announced on 31 May 2014 here:
>https://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-users/201405/msg00030.html.  It
>supports 4 modes of operation (including triggered captures), supports
>e-mail notification of the event with the help of mailsend, and has hooks
>for user-defined actions.  The latest published version of the batch file is
>currently available under the Scripts section of
>https://wiki.wireshark.org/Tools.  It is mostly self-documented, but you can
>read more about it from the link above or from some questions on
>ask.wireshark.org where I thought the batch file might possibly come in
>handy for other folks:
>2) https://ask.wireshark.org/questions/40888/custom-stop-recording-trigger
>3) https://ask.wireshark.org/questions/26434/sound-alert
>- Chris
>P.S. Keep in mind that trigger mode might not be good enough though, as
>capturing won't start until AFTER the event occurs.  If you want to be sure
>you capture from the event onwards, you might want to run the batch file in
>"Dumpcap+Event" Mode and use a ring buffer to do continuous capturing until
>the event occurs and then just set the "Event kills dumpcap?" option to "Y"
>along with "Delay before kill/action" to 120 seconds in your case.

Thank you, I will take a look and give it a try.

Best regards,
John D.


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