On 25 March 2016 at 02:46, Robert Cragie <robert.cra...@gridmerge.com>

> Following the announcement about deprecating nmake (which I have been
> using successfully for years), I thought I would try using CMake. I
> deliberately only want to build the GTK version so I use the following
> options with CMake:
> cmake -DENABLE_CHM_GUIDES=on -DBUILD_wireshark=off -G "Visual Studio 12"
> ..\wireshark
> CMake runs but there are some errors at the end:
> CMake Error at packaging/nsis/CMakeLists.txt:199 (add_custom_command):
>   Error evaluating generator expression:
>     $<TARGET_FILE:wireshark>
>   No target "wireshark"
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   CMakeLists.txt:2338 (ADD_NSIS_PACKAGE_TARGET)
> CMake Error at packaging/nsis/CMakeLists.txt:199 (add_custom_command):
>   Error evaluating generator expression:
>     $<TARGET_FILE:wireshark>
>   No target "wireshark"
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   CMakeLists.txt:2338 (ADD_NSIS_PACKAGE_TARGET)
> CMake Error at packaging/nsis/CMakeLists.txt:199 (add_custom_command):
>   Error evaluating generator expression:
>     $<TARGET_FILE:wireshark>
>   No target "wireshark"
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   CMakeLists.txt:2338 (ADD_NSIS_PACKAGE_TARGET)
> CMake Error at packaging/nsis/CMakeLists.txt:199 (add_custom_command):
>   Error evaluating generator expression:
>     $<TARGET_FILE:wireshark>
>   No target "wireshark"
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   CMakeLists.txt:2338 (ADD_NSIS_PACKAGE_TARGET)
> I now try and build using msbuild:
> msbuild /m /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo Wireshark.sln
> I notice the following failures and there is no .exe produced:
>     70>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\wsutil\wsutil.vcxproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>     65>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\wsutil\wsutil.vcxproj.metaproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>     80>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\docbook\generate_user-guide.xml.vcxproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>     24>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\docbook\generate_user-guide.xml.vcxproj.metaproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>     79>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\docbook\generate_developer-guide.xml.vcxproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>     86>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\docbook\release_notes_html.vcxproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>     23>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\docbook\generate_developer-guide.xml.vcxproj.metaproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>     43>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\docbook\release_notes_html.vcxproj.metaproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>      2>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj.metaproj"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
>      1>Done Building Project
> "C:\Users\robcra01\Documents\WiresharkBitbucket\wsbuild32\Wireshark.sln"
> (default targets) -- FAILED.
> Build FAILED.
> Any ideas here?
Currently we don't support building without Qt using CMake.

Graham Bloice
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