On 20 January 2017 at 14:39, Roland Knall <rkn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am getting SSL issues while contacting https://bugzilla.wireshark.org
> Anyone else does as well?
> My Google Chrome (Version 55 on Linux) does not accept the certificate.
> Moreove, the certificate seems to have been issued on Jan 02 2017 and
> expires on April 02 2017, which is weird by itself
> Anyone else having this issue?
> Cheers
> Roland
I'm getting a cloudflare SSL cert for bugzilla, valid until 2 July 2017 and
my Chrome (5.0.2883.87 m on Windows) is happy with it.

The short lifetime of the cert you see is typical of a Let's Encrypt cert
(90 days) and that's what Gerrit is using (for me).

Graham Bloice
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