On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 7:33 AM Nikhil Jadhav <njad...@securview.com> wrote:

> Hello Developers,
> I am working on Cisco ISE and I find the Wireshark tool very beneficial to
> analyze different packets. So Cheers to all your hard work!!!
> I am using Windows 10 (Insider Preview Build with TEAP support) endpoint
>  with the latest version of Wireshark running (Version 3.2.1
> (v3.2.1-0-gbf38a67724d0)).
> Currently there is a new TEAP protocol (Tunneled EAP protocol - RFC 7170)
> , and we tried to analyze the TEAP traffic on Wireshark but Wireshark shows
> the Code-Type in EAP as ‘Unknown’ instead of ‘TEAP’ even though it
> identifies the code as 55. Also, could you please let me know if there be
> way to analyze the TEAP traffic by adding certificate to Wireshark.
> Kindly please have a look at the attached Wireshark screenshots of TEAP
> Traffic and PEAP traffic so as to have a better comparison and
> understanding of the issue.
Here's your chance to become one of the famous wireshark developers.

1. Get the source.
2. Inside epan/dissectors/packet-eap.c there is an array of value_string
structs called eap_type_vals.
3. Add the new entry or entries to that table.
4. Rebuild. Probably on Linux because building on Windows is hard.
5. Feed the capture into the new build.
6. Feel a burst of joy at making your first change to Wireshark.
7. Add any new attributes or whatever is needed to properly dissect the
whole new types.
8. Submit a code review.

Richard Sharpe
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