On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 4:08 PM John Thacker <johnthac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 7, 2020, 1:11 PM Pascal Quantin <pas...@wireshark.org> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Le mar. 7 juil. 2020 à 19:09, John Thacker <johnthac...@gmail.com> a
>> écrit :
>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 10:48 AM Graham Bloice <
>>> graham.blo...@trihedral.com> wrote:
>>>> The table of Qt versions shows which versions have been used in
>>>> Wireshark installers for Windows and macOS. Determining the versions
>>>> available on specific Linux distributions is a bit more of an artform but
>>>> can be gleaned from the tables further down.
>>> Ah, I see, yes I misread the table and interpreted the bold versions as
>>> minimum requirements. I just took a look and  updated the RHEL/CentOS and
>>> SLES information. Looking at the rest of the tables, Debian Jesse just went
>>> end of support, so Ubuntu xenial (16.04LTS, end of support April 2021)
>>> being at 5.5.x is I think the oldest QT in a still officially supported
>>> distribution on that page. After that there's several at 5.6.x.
>>> I reckon that QT 5.9 is fine for every distro's most recent LTS release,
>>> and 5.6 is fine for every distro's N-1 LTS release. Personally I'd be fine
>>> with moving master to 5.9 (which also settles requiring C+11), but I could
>>> understand 5.6.
>> Can't this code be made conditional to the Qt version used for compiling?
> It can be, but I think I would just as well rewrite it to use code from QT
> 5.3 and earlier. In this case I don't think there's from later than 5.3
> that's absolutely necessary for the functionality, more just syntactic
> sugar that can be done a different way.

Well, I guess foreach was officially deprecated in QT 5.7, so I suppose I
could check and do the loop with foreach for QT_VERSION < 5.7 and the
qAsConst way with 5.7 and higher.
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