The entry field for Go to packet (Go->Go to Packet... or "Go to specified packet" toolbar icon) is checked with inputMask. (hate to say validated because that's something different in Qt) inputMask pads the input field with spaces by default. Click in the center or left side of the entry box, the input field is all spaces and can't enter text. The Stackoverflow post has a possible fix but Qt is well above my pay grade.
This is the only spot I can find inputMask used. Great time to set a precedent for future use? Thoughts? chuckc;a=blob;f=ui/qt/main_window.ui <widget class="QLineEdit" name="goToLineEdit"> <property name="inputMask"> <string>900000000</string> </property> </widget> inputMask : QString This property holds the validation input mask. "By default QLineEdit will set the cursor based on the position of the click, and in the case that the number of characters is restricted as in your case and if you press outside the valid sector then the cursor will be placed on the right edge of that sector."
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