Hi folks, I got a report from a coworker that 'Apply as column' was not working correctly.
I showed the person how to right-click on a field in the details pane and then select Apply as column. However, what happened in their case was they got a column with no values in it. When we went to Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Columns the column had been defined but the type was not Custom and the Fields and Field Occurrence values had not been filled in. When he manually made them the same as what I have, it all worked. I just tried deleting that definition on my 3.2.1 installation and then re-adding it all worked correctly. My colleague is using a Mac. Not sure if this is relevant. -- Regards, Richard Sharpe (何以解憂?唯有杜康。--曹操)(传说杜康是酒的发明者) ___________________________________________________________________________ Sent via: Wireshark-dev mailing list <wireshark-dev@wireshark.org> Archives: https://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-dev Unsubscribe: https://www.wireshark.org/mailman/options/wireshark-dev mailto:wireshark-dev-requ...@wireshark.org?subject=unsubscribe