On Dec 12, 2020, at 11:32 AM, Guy Harris <ghar...@sonic.net> wrote:

> it seemed to work, displaying the dagger and sigma correctly, when I did that 
> to a recently-updated 3.2 branch, a recently-updated 3.4 branch, and a 
> recently-updated trunk tree.

As per John Thacker's email, "recently-updated" was the trick - it had the fix 
to the code to format UTF-8 strings for display.

> 3.3.0 isn't an official release, so we don't provide support for it.  Do you 
> mean 3.4.0?

And, as per John Thacker's email, you shouldn't even be using 3.4.0, as it 
doesn't have that fix, much less some random build labeled "3.3.0".

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