
  just for reference...

On 11/30/21 09:49, Roland Knall wrote:
Both issues where done so by design.

For the password, there was a reasonable concern, that passwords may be read-out. Now, you could argue, that monitoring the cumpcap call gives you the password anyway, which is correct. The intended usecase originally was to use the password together with ssh, which was later superseded by using the identity file, which can be stored normally.

It is done in !5519.

As for empty values, we have no possibility to detect, if the empty value you entered is the default one, or if it is a new set value. Therefore empty was implemented as "return default value". One could argue, that default values should only be used, if you reset the complete configuration, but than you could not reset an individual configuration.

It is prepared in !5538 and it is waiting for review/acceptance.

                                                Best regards,

                                                        Jirka Novak
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