Robert Craig wrote:
> I have just installed wireshark on my intel duo MacBook using DarwinPorts.
> It starts up fine (as root) but as soon as I click "List available 
> capture interfaces..." my wireless disconnects and refuses to reconnect 
> whilst wireshark is open.
> Although it works fine for the wired network.
> Any suggestions?

Try not using "List available capture interfaces" - capture on en0 for 
wired captures and en1 for wireless captures.  Also, don't use the 
drop-down list to select an interface in the capture options window - 
just type en0 or en1.  That might help.

This is a known problem - or, rather, a consequence of several known 
problems.  Some can be fixed in libpcap (I'll look at that), some in 
Wireshark (I'll look at that - but those would also need the libpcap 
fix, meaning Apple would have to pick that fix up for the system libpcap 
or you'd have to somehow get a version of Wireshark built with a fixed 
version), and some in the driver for the wireless adapter (somebody in 
the group at Apple that does AirPort adapter software would have to look 
at that).
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