ok .. regarding andreas' version ... I see it in
usr/local/bin .. it runs with X11 .. detects en0 & en1 & wit1 & Io0

en1 shows packets when I view it from 'capture interfaces'
the IP is actually a mac address, it seems ..

when I select 'Start' on en1 , nothing gets captured, indicated by the
pop-up box when I 'Stop'

henceforth from that, the 'Capture Interfaces' window shows no activity
in anything and does not indicate the fe80:5...address under IP

AND ... I loose internet capability as before ...

just responded to your tcpdump postg ...


Mac OS/X 10.4.8
Macbook Pro 2.16 Intel Core Duo
wireshark 0.99.5
X11 1.1.3 - XFree86 4.4.0
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