I'm in a classroom situation learning to use Wireshark and other 
forensic tools and I can filter IP addresses with ease but due to the 
configuration of the classroom [instructor's insistence] all 
workstations are on the same subnet.  If I filter for x.x.x.12, I also 
get x.x.x.121, .123, etc.

WIKI and FAQs don't show how to specify one IP only from a block of 
similar addresses and the mechanism for filtering as described in the 
multiple IPs thread won't work unless I specify all the other 
addresses.  I told the instructor that filtering on the MAC address was 
more predictable in this case but he's not convinced that there isn't 
some way to filter IPs.

What do I need to add to restrict the IP value to exactly what I want 
and not variants on that value?  Is there a wildcard I can use?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Karen Isaacson

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