On 2002/07/30 01:03 PM, "Campbell, Steve V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Maybe I missed it but what did the people that went to the show say?
> Steve

Basically what you see below was also said at the show, including the "weeks
not months" that has really ticked off some people. (All of it has been
posted to the list btw) I couldn't be more specific then, I'm can't be more
specific now. "Its close" - same words I used in booth 1646.

<show pitch>

Some basic explanations about what Witango is - there are many here who can
explain that better than me.

Hand off to Tarrin or Phil or Jason or Robert to do a quick demo or answer a
specific question.

Thank them kindly for their time.

Beyond that, I spent a lot - a LOT of time pointing out that this wasn't
pervasive or everyware or butler.

</show pitch>

(short of massive blisters from a poor choice of shoes on the second day,
over-priced food at the convention center, little to no sleep, and some
Vietnamese food I couldn't quite identify, you've had my experience.)

As to seeing the actual product, that would require putting it in your hands
and I think Ben very cleanly covered that issue.



Key points from posts already made to the list (no particular order):

Its still cross platform. Mac OS X and Windows 2000/XP versions will ship at
about the same time, if not exactly the same day.

The look and feel of both the studio and server remain.

The server works and quite well as a matter of fact. They are working on
some very specific bugs right now.

The core product, server and studio have had the main focus, but there are
many tidbits kicking around that will soon grow into add-ons.

[At MacWorld you can see the] soon to be released Witango Compiler for Java
in action. We now have the "Deploy to Java" functionality operational in the
new Development Studio.

Filemaker will absolutely work as it always has with the new release.

And the upgrade policy that predates the show... <see below>

On 2002/07/19 07:18 PM, "Jason Pamental" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also he [Phil] wanted me to make sure that everyone knows that Filemaker will
> absolutely work as it always has with the new release.

On 2002/07/19 08:20 PM, "Robert Shubert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Will I still recognize the product?: Yes. While so much code has been
> greatly modified, the look and feel of both the studio and server
> remain.

> Does the server at least work yet?: Yes, and quite well as a matter of
> fact. But there are still issues, that either need to be ironed out or
> carefully documented. The crew is working out some very specific bugs
> right now, to everyone's benefit.

> So what then, another year?: Hardly. We're talking weeks, which was said
> at the Expo and on the list. And I'm not saying the kind of weeks that
> add to months. I'm just saying to have just a bit more patience. August
> will be a good month.

> No Database, no Web Analyzer, no Storefront, no additions at all?: Nope.
> But, that's only for the moment. The core product, server and studio
> have had the main focus, but there are many tidbits kicking around that
> will soon grow into add-ons.

> Is Witango 5 going to be attractive to new users: Simply put, yes. The
> product is going through a bit of a split. Not really a noticeable one,
> but there are some features that are moving towards the higher end of
> development. And, on the other hand, there are many new features to help
> beginners and novice users make use of the product and learn the product
> much more easily. I was surprised, but there are features coming, some
> in 5, that actually make development on Witango easier and faster than
> it already is!

> Tell me it's still cross-platform: Yes! Mac OS X and Windows 2000/XP
> versions will ship at about the same time, if not exactly the same day,
> and they will be 100% inter-operable.

On 2002/07/14 09:43 PM, "Phil Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just letting you all know that myself and one of my OS X engineers will be
at stand 1646 (near the internet café) at Macworld Expo in New York this
week with Bathysphere Digital Media Services. It¹s a great chance to
introduce yourself and see the OS X Witango Studio and Server - not to
mention the soon to be released Witango Compiler for Java in action.  We now
have the "Deploy to Java" functionality operational in the new Development
Studio.  Bathysphere Digital Media Services will be offering  special show
only discount pricing vouchers for v5 and v5 upgrades.

So, come and meet us!

See you in New York.


On 2002/05/09 07:27 PM, "Phil Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To summarise the upgrade issues:
> 1  There will be an upgrade from Pervasive Tango 2000 to Witango v5 (RRP
> upgrade price)
> 2  If you purchased from the With Enterprise channel since 1st July 2001
> (the serial number is in our db, i.e. not old Pervasive stock) you will
> receive a cheaper upgrade ( RRP upgrade price - x%)
> 3  If you purchased from the With Enterprise channel after 1st April
> 2002 (the serial number is in our db, i.e. not old Pervasive stock) you
> will receive a free upgrade.
> 4  There is no upgrade path from version 3.x as the v5 technology cannot
> open v3 files.  (Contact me off list regarding this issue)
> 5  We are looking at having Mac OSX and Windows betas of the Dev Studio
> and Server out in approx 4-5 weeks.  The other server platforms will
> follow shortly after the OSX and Windows platforms.
> 6  Pricing will be announced closer to the release of the software which
> is dependant on how the beta testing goes.
> Regards
> Phil

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