I have problems in javascript and tango in dynamic dd boxes selection based on previous selection.
I have three dd boxes and tables in DB: projects, phases and tasks.
Phases table have project_key as reference key and tasks table have association with both project_key and phase_key (combination key).
I am facing two problems in my code:
1)Phases are getting selecting correctly, but tasks are not getting selected properly. Because task has common combination key of project_key and phase_key. It is showing same tasks for all the phases for the selected project.
2)When I tried to insert this selected dd information it gets same selected project_key value for phase_key and task_key. It doesn't get proper phase_key and task_key. For this you need to click save button, even if there is no insert function but you can see arguments for phase_key and task_key. I used <@ARG phase_key> and <@ARG task_key> in insert function. But it is not getting proper value.
Please find attached tango and DB compressed file for this problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Attachment: junk.zip
Description: Macintosh archive

Attachment: demo.zip
Description: Macintosh archive

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