I'm moving a Forum from flat HTML pages into a Filemaker database, and then maybe into 
something quicker

I have 800-odd Forum postings that I have to transfer over into a database, and it's 
killing me to do it by hand

The required text is always bookended the same way, so a search for text (the posting) 
bounded by text strings (the HTML) would get the data

I need to extract the following:

* filename 
* name
* date
* subject
* body

A sample page old page is at:

The new, 90% complete, Forum is at

I've tried a search & replace on the files using BBEdit, but the samll differences in 
text wrapping and content mean I can't get it to work. I've tried (and failed) to 
AppleScript a batch import into Filemaker, but even if I did that I'd have problems 
parsing & extracting the text

I'm not a good enough programmer to whisk something up to parse a folder full of HTML 
files - any suggestions?

Many thanks!
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