I have a machine runing T3.6 with Webstar 1.32 on Mac OS 7.6.1 which ran an 
Aldi Superstores site created in Tango for over 2 years (until they 
recently centralised all their web in Germany). Each week 14 new images 
ranging in size up to 50k were loaded up via a Tango file upload mechanism 
which worked very reliably...

Except when my clients started using IE on the Mac on an ADSL connection 
which proxied everything. I found that the pages coming from the server 
were being cached and eveytime they tried to upload they would suffer 
similar results as what you are experiencing. Eventually, because I didn't 
want to recode the app to create new pages with entirely new URLS each time 
accessed, I simply told them to use Netscape and turn off page caching - 
they never had this problem again.

I did have a problem with the Tango server right in the beginning, but I 
solved that by increasing Webstar's (i am using the Tango plugin) app 
memory. A incresae of emeory size and a restart of the server and 
everything worked fine from then on.

On my server it is set to a fairly short variable timeout of a couple of 
minutes, but the buffer size has been left at 64k I'm pretty sure - I'll 
check it.

At 06:56  1/10/02, you wrote:
>Back to a well-worn topic: I'm doing file upload in Tango 3.6 with 
>unpredicatable results
>Files are uploaded and named according to the advert they're attached to, 
>but the upload fails repeatedly with files of zero K uploaded
>I looked through my Tango Talk archives, reset the ItemBufferSize up to 
>300,000, and the problem seemed to go away.. But now, instead of a file 
>being uploaded of zero K, and a bad filename, I now get a good filename 
>and a zero K file...
>The debug screen shows the raw JPEG code, but the file isn't uploaded and 
>the filename created is OK
>The error message is:
>[Warning]       Missing argument: image
>Any ideas what's going on? The only clue I can give is that images less 
>than around 30K seem to work OK, despite resetting ItemBufferSize and 
>restarting Webstar
>Tango 3.6, Webstar 4.x on Mac OS 9.1
>The file name is a combination of a User variable and a file number suffix 
>from a popup menu on the upload page:
>File Action:
><@VAR WebRoot SCOPE=Domain>:<@VAR uploadpathname SCOPE=Domain>:<@VAR 
>advertnumber SCOPE=User>.<@ARG imagenumber>.jpg
>The Upload page code is:
><FORM NAME="upload" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD=POST 
><select name=ImageNumber size=1>
><OPTION VALUE="001" selected>First image
><OPTION VALUE="002">Second image
><OPTION VALUE="003">Third image
><OPTION VALUE="004">Fourth image
>File to upload: <INPUT TYPE=FILE SIZE=25 NAME="image">
><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="Submit" VALUE="Upload File">
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