Can you request a another method from within a method. Both from the same
class file. How about from different class files?

It appears you can from looking at the common.tcf from the StoreFront. But I
am confused by the syntax.

In StoreFront
tafs call methods via:
<@CALLMETHOD application$Common "PageHeader(Main
Lobby,<P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P>)" ENCODING=NONE>

methods call methods via:
<@CALLMETHOD this "ShowDepartmentTree(<@COLUMN Department.ID>)"

I created a taf and called a method via (from the documentation):
<@CALLMETHOD OBJECT=catalog METHOD="NavigateProducts(<@ARG Cat>)"

I assume the StoreFront's syntax of calling a method from a method is a
"shortened" way of accomplishing the same thing.

The StoreFront method calling a method confuses me.
What is "this" and how do you define it?


Steve Fogelson
Internet Commerce Solutions
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