I've built several applications that incorporated functionality like this. How you do it depends in part on how many clients is "too many" for a drop down list.
If it's a few hundred, you could populate a _javascript_ array with all of them. Provide the user with a text input box and a select size=10 dropdown. A onKeyUp event handler on the text box is used to loop through the array and count the number of clients that begin with the string in the text box. If it's less than some value you choose, you display them in the dropdown. The user clicks on one in the dropdown to select it. Or if only one matches it's automatically selected.
If you're dealing with thousands of records, you could give the user a text input box and a "lookup" link. When the user clicks "lookup" you take the value in the text box and target another frame, and iFrame or a new window with a search for matching records. If only one matches, you select it. If more than one match, you give the user a choice to select one. When one is selected you put it's value in the text box and optionally put its ID in a hidden field on the original form and close the window if you opened one.
Dave Shelley
-----Original Message-----
From: Jon van der Raadt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:54 PM
To: witango.com witango talk
Subject: Witango-Talk: Smart Look up

In our application, we need to be able to positively identify clients and, will not be able to use a pop-down list as there will be too many choices to make this practical. What we are interested in is being able to type a portion of the client's name and have the system display the records in the database that most closely match the entry. Perhaps just starting with the first typed letter or first few letters in a list or a list which includes closest matches...

Has any one worked on or created functionality like this?

Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.


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