I am using Win2K sp3 server with R:Tango 2000

Unbeknownst to me yesterday afternoon, all my witango apps started issuing
"client connection error" when requested by a browser.

Tonight I discovered this (as I was out of town) and restarted the witango
server, no change.

I just restarted the server, now when I request a witango app, it requests a
user login. It does this on all my apps.

I looked in the Tango logs in the log.Tango_2000_Server folder and I see
there are no entries since yesterday afternoon. Nothing unusual in the
server event logs.

I was working on permissions on that drive, so that is probably how I messed
it up. All my databases, InetPub, and RBTI folders are located on this
drive. I have the Internet Guest Account assigned to the Databases and
InetPub folders with Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and Read

The RBTI folder has Domain Admins and SYSTEM with full permissions.

Sorry I have to bother the list for something I probably messed up. Anybody
have any ideas? 


Steve Fogelson
Internet Commerce Solutions
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