Hi David,

The following URL has a fair amount of information linked to it, which might
be helpful:


Others have reported some mixed results with Asian character sets and
Witango DOM. You may need to do some experimenting.

To date, I haven't had an opportunity to play these other character sets
all, but would like to explore this at some point.

Sorry, not much help I know, but here's hoping. Cheers........

Scott Cadillac,
Witango.org - http://witango.org
403-281-6090 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information for the Witango Developer Community

XML-Extranet - http://xml-extra.net
403-281-6090 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well-formed Development (for hire)

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Shelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 10:21 AM
Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: Error DOM with international Charaters on MacOSX

Re: Witango-Talk: Error DOM with international Charaters on MacOS XI'm
running into a similar problem. Our XML feed occasionally has Chinese
characters in it.
Is there an ISO encoding that supports both Latin and Chinese character

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Phil Wade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 6:51 AM
  Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Error DOM with international Charaters on

  Try adding an xml header to the DOM which sets the character set to
Latin-1 like this:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

  <@ASSIGN request$apoDOM VALUE="<@DOM VALUE='<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><TEST><NAME>König</NAME></TEST>'>">

  Latin1 covers most West European languages, such as French (fr), Spanish
(es), Catalan (ca), Basque (eu), Portuguese (pt), Italian (it), Albanian
(sq), Rhaeto-Romanic (rm), Dutch (nl), German (de), Danish (da), Swedish
(sv), Norwegian (no), Finnish (fi), Faroese (fo), Icelandic (is), Irish
(ga), Scottish (gd), and English (en), incidentally also Afrikaans (af) and
Swahili (sw), thus in effect also the entire American continent, Australia
and much of Africa.  Latin1 is also the same as the first page of ISO 10646

  Using a combination of the setting the dom's encoding and ![CDATA[]] you
should be able to store any character data from any charset in a witango DOM
variable including multi byte charsets.


  On 26/3/03 6:23 PM, "Christian Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  > Hi all , for me DOM seems to be buggy
  > this works
  > VALUE='<TEST><NAME>Koenig</NAME></TEST>'>" SCOPE="request">
  > this not (An error occurred while parsing the XML.)
  > VALUE='<TEST><NAME>König</NAME></TEST>'>" SCOPE="request">
  > and  it does not work to use html encoded result (does not work)
  > VALUE='<TEST><NAME>K&ouml;nig</NAME></TEST>'>" SCOPE="request">
  > I do not think that xml says that you must not use international
  > charaters...
  > Any idea?
  > Christian
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