> I have the following code to select a payment method. With each payment
> record is a field indicating whether to validate the credit card or not.
> The name of the field is CC_Validate in the array local$Payment. I was
> hoping to set form.ValidateCC.value equal to CC_Validate in the row
> selected in the <@choicelist> tag (indicated by
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). 
> Can't figure it out. It will save me a search action if I can get this to
> work.
> Thanks
> Steve Fogelson
> Internet Commerce Solutions
> <script language="javascript">
> <!--
> function CopyInfo(form)
> {
>       form.ValidateCC.value = <@var
> local$Payment[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,CC_Validate]>;
> }
> // -->
> </script>
> <form method="post" action="<@VAR domain$CGI><@VAR
> domain$RootPath>Order/Shipping.taf?_function=input&<@UserReferenceArgument
> >" onSubmit="CopyInfo(this)">
> <@choicelist name="PaymentMethod" type=select options="<@var
> local$Payment[*,CC_Name]>" values="<@var local$Payment[*,CC_ID]>" size="1"
> selected="<@var user$ArgPaymentMethod>">
> <input type="hidden" name="ValidateCC">
> </form>
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