I tried the following with the SGET function.

<@assign local$DateSelect "( (SGET(o1.Ord_OrderNumber,8,1) >= '<@arg
StartYear encoding=sql><@arg StartMonth encoding=sql><@arg StartDay
encoding=sql>') AND ('<@arg EndYear encoding=sql><@arg EndMonth
encoding=sql><@arg EndDay encoding=sql>' <= SGET(o1.Ord_OrderNumber,8,1))

Got the following error:

Syntax is incorrect for the command TEXT 

Any ideas?

Steve Fogelson

-----Original Message-----
From: Fogelson, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 10:57 AM
To: Witango User Group (E-mail)
Subject: Witango-Talk: Probably SQL ?

Win2K Server, R:Tango 2000, R:Base 6.5

I create a field in a table with the following witango code:

<@ASSIGN user$OrderNumber "<@currentdate format=datetime:%Y%m%d><@tstosecs

Later I want to do a search based strictly on the first 8 characters of the
field. I use the following code to set up the Where variable for DBMS

<@assign local$DateSelect "( (o1.Ord_OrderNumber >= '<@arg StartYear
encoding=sql><@arg StartMonth encoding=sql><@arg StartDay encoding=sql>')
AND ('<@arg EndYear encoding=sql><@arg EndMonth encoding=sql><@arg EndDay
encoding=sql>' <= o1.Ord_OrderNumber) )">

I then use the following in the DBMS:

 <@var local$Select encoding=none>

Some how I have to do something with o1.Ord_OrderNumber

Maybe I am going to have to create a field with just the date????


Steve Fogelson
Internet Commerce Solutions
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