Title: EMail Attachments

I am trying to send automated emails with a small .jpg or .gif file embedded in the body of the message. Using a mail action I specify content type as html and put the path to the image file as an include in the message body. Either wrapped in an <IMG SRC="" local$ArtPath>BFLogo.gif"> tag, or not, it appears in the email as (bin hex) characters.

I tried making it an attachment but even though the path is correct in the debug, it yields an invalid path error, as in:

Getting network file /Applications/4DWebSTAR/WebServer/DefaultSite/Services/Train/Art/BFLogo.jpg

Got file

-328 An invalid attachment path was specified. ÿØÿà

These are probably two different problems but any assistance in making either work would be appreciated.

Running on OS X, Witango 5.01.62 server, and 5.09 DS, with Webstar.
Lawrence Reeve
650 604 4529

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