Here is a selection from the witango log...

04/12/2003 17:12:51 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25496064 1 5354 [Results Action] Start_calcs
04/12/2003 17:12:51 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25496064 1 5354 [Search Action] Assign_cw_kwh
04/12/2003 17:12:51 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25496064 1 5354 [Query] SELECT A1.CWENRG FROM HESADM.APPLIANCES A1 WHERE (A1.YR=1993)
04/12/2003 17:12:54 Version: Chimera (Mac OS X), License number: PB1JQ-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, Process ID: 2227

the Result Action (Start_calcs) works, the Assign_cw_kwh Search action is where it is failing... but it doesn't seem to be related to the code, since I can substitute any other search action (including one right before Start_calcs that works) and it still fails at that location. In all instances, immediately after getting the Client/Plug-in Error the final item in the log is the last line, which re-iterates the License number.

Is there something other than maxactions which limits the number of actions that can be executed? My site is performing a building energy calculation (not the typical ecommerce transaction) and there are a lot of steps between user pages. This site is currently running on a beige G3 Mac running OS 8.6 and Tango 3.5.2... it doesn't seem like it would overload a dual processor 1.8 Ghz G5 running OS X and Witango 5.... and since this problem seems independent of the actual code being executed, I'm not sure what to do.


Customer Support wrote:

Set LOGGINGLEVEL=3 in the witango.ini file. This will log the debug like information to the witango log. Stop and start the server with the following terminal command:

sudo SystemStarter restart WITANGO5

It will ask for an admin password. Once the command has finished you will see some output like this:

Welcome to Macintosh.
Stopping Witango server
Waiting for WITANGO5
Starting Witango Application Server
[ 4106] 2003-12-05 13:49:58 START INFO Starting Witango Application Server Process
Startup complete.

This indicates that the server has restarted.

Now run the taf again and have a look in the witango.log file. You should be able to see what the error is that is causing the server to return an incorrect response to the web plugin. What is the error message?

Witango Support

On 05/12/2003, at 1:44 PM, MJPinckard wrote:

Actually when this occurs, I get no debugging, even though it is turned on... so no debugging is available to peruse.

witangoevents.log shows nothing after the last time the server started up...

any other ideas on where to look?


Jon van der Raadt wrote:

Do you have debug turned on -- sometimes that will help determine the problem. You can also look in the witangoevents.log It will record a crash if that is happening...

On Dec 4, 2003, at 7:26 PM, MJPinckard wrote:

I'm getting a Client/Plug-in error message and hope someone knows what's going on. Here's the message.

Client/Plug-in Error

The response received from the application server is invalid.

It always happens at the same location in my application process, but doesn't seem to be tied to any specific code (e.g. if I remove the search action causing the error, the next search action fails, if I duplicate a earlier successful search action right before the failing action then it fails on the duplicated action).

It seems as if it is something like a maxaction limitation but I've got maxaction set to 0, which if I understand correctly is unlimited (I tested setting maxaction to 4000, way more than I need, but that didn't change anything). The failure is happening quickly which rules out time out problems, and it is not deep in branch actions which rules that out.

If I look on the console, I see the SQL query being parsed, then a line including system information and the License number.
Mac OX 10.3 running Witango 5.0.x (current version) under Apache. I don't see a response from the database.

Anyone know what this is and how to fix or can steer me towards more diagnostics?



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Margaret Pinckard
* Principal Research Associate
* End-use Forecasting Group
* E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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-- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Margaret Pinckard * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Principal Research Associate * End-use Forecasting Group * E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Margaret Pinckard
* Principal Research Associate
* End-use Forecasting Group
* E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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