Two things are needed here:

To set your environment variables:

in your user directory, create a directory called MacOSX
put a text file in it called environment.plist
you will find a copy of this file in your **development studio directory** in the Install directory - edit it as needed to conform with the location of the relevant files.
then do this
cd to your user directory, if you're not there already
sudo ln -s MacOSX .MacOSX
this will create an aliased directory labeled .MacOSX (which is what is used on log in), but you'll still be able to see and edit the environment.plist file if you need to


And the other problem is likely to be a permissions issue. Panther did some things that makes permissions very difficult...
what I did was to change the permissions on my entire Witango directory AND making sure that the Witango "user" is in the "staff" group.
Add Witango to the staff group using NetInfo Manager
change permissions on the directory like so...

sudo chown -R -P <logged in admin username>:staff  /Applications/Witango
(password etc here...)
sudo chmod -R -P 775 /Applications/Witango

and you should be off to the races....

On Dec 23, 2003, at 5:54 AM, Chris Millet wrote:

Can't believe I missed this post so close to my own.

Pardon my ignorance here, but where do I set the environment variables on Mac OS X Server? On a workstation I set them in the ~/.tcshrc file, but I have crontab script as root so this won't work. I even tried to set a crontab environment variable and it wouldn't work.

Again, any help would be appreciated.


On Dec 22, 2003, at 3:15 PM, Jon van der Raadt wrote:

Is this when starting up manually? There was a post recently:

"Your current working directory must be the directory where the witangod application is before you can start the server. Just cd /Applications/Witango/Server before starting the server.

An alternative is to set the PATH and LD_LYBRARY_PATH environment variables to include the /Applications/Witango/Server directory."

Witango works fine on 10.3.2 Workstation and server...

On Dec 22, 2003, at 1:22 PM, Chris Millet wrote:

I get the following error on start up after upgrading to the latest version of Witango running on Mac OS X 10.3.2. Looks like the path is broken to the ./libxmltok.dylib file, but I can't find out where to set it. Any help would be appreciated.



dyld: /Applications/Witango/Server/witangod can't open library: ./libxmltok.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
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Jon van der Raadt

TeamOnly Network

412, Alastair Ross Technology Centre
3553 - 31 Street NW
Calgary, Alberta Canada  T2L 2K7

Office: (403) 286-5586 Fax: (403) 286-5576

      Cell: (403) 863-6304

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