I've not seen this addressed before so I'd like to address it with this
entire group. We purchased Witango 5 Professional with the knowledge that
later this year we were going to upgrade our Intranet server from a 2
processor to a 4 processor machine later this year. Well, later came earlier
than we expected. We have received the box, installed almost all of our
software, and are currently testing some of our applications.

   What we would like to do is install our Wintango 5 professional server on
this machine and stress test it by getting several hundred people to pound
on it for some period of time. This will let us shake out any additional
bugs we didn't find in the preliminary testing. I also don't want to get
into any licensing violation issues, nor disrupt our currently, heavily
used, Witango Intranet server. I'm assuming that to thoroughly test this new
box will take maybe 3-4 weeks. Yes, that long. We have some applications
that run on a monthly cycle, but are still very important.

   My question is, how do you folks address this kind of upgrade? I can't
justify purchasing another copy of the server, but in order to test we
typically need more time than temporary licenses allow. Are we out of the
ordinary in taking an extended time to test, or do others run into similar
situations and do it differently?

   Just curious.

Gene Wolf
Business Systems Analyst, TLMN
DRS Optronics, Inc.
2330 Commerce Park Drive
Palm Bay, Florida  32905
Phone: 321-309-0685

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