I could use a little help getting this working from my laptop. I am fine on
my development desktop but on the laptop I can not get the options for
source control to be anything but grayed out.

I Checked and the install includes the integrate option and client is

What am I missing?

I am willing to call someone who might help walk me through this if they can
contact me offline.


Dan Stein
Digital Software Solutions
799 Evergreen Circle
Telford PA 18969
Land: 215-799-0192
Mobile: 610-256-2843
Fax 413-410-9682
FMP, WiTango, EDI,SQL 2000

    "When you are born, you cry and those who love you rejoice.  And if you
live your life as you should, when you die, you rejoice and those who
love you cry."

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