OK, I know, I know - don't want to 'pollute' the list with unrelated chatter, but...

We all have to deal with server issues on some level or another, and one of the true banes of my daily existence has been my mail server. Up until recently I've been flooded with 3-400 junk messages per day (having been the registrant for dozens of client domains being a prime culprit I think). Being this fed up led me to take Ben up on trying out MDaemon, the mail server he resells and uses. He had it up and running and configured with his own home-brewed recipe for mail filtering within a hour or two, and followed up with some support and tweaking even through the weekend. And he logged on Monday to update it to the full release of the latest version for me in minutes, and sent along an update to our content filter rules to catch the encrypted-zip virus yesterday.

While I'm still fine-tuning a little bit to make sure our own lists and clients are dealt with appropriately, I am now only receiving ***LESS THAN A DOZEN*** junk messages per day, and the AVS package that integrates with it has caught and stripped a number of nastly little attachments.

I cannot stress enough that this has been some of the best customer service I've ever received.

Ben has long been a valuable member of the Witango community: as a reseller, an advocate, supporter and contributor - I think we all know that. But having had the pleasure of dealing with him in this context has opened my eyes to an aspect of Ben's professional and personal demeanor that I had previously not experienced.

I just wanted to share this tale with all of you and stand up and give Ben my appreciation. He deserves the recognition. And if any of you are ever in need of a good solid commercial mail server, not only is this so far a fantastic application, but the service that comes with getting it from Ben makes it easily worth quite a lot more. Not to mention the fact that it's still one of the least expensive commercial options out there.

(And I hear he's polishing up a nice little Witango-to-MDaemon TCF. So there, it IS Witango related... :P )



Jason Pamental, President [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bathysphere Digital Media Services, Inc. http://bathyspheredms.com

Tel: 401.490.6830      Fax: 401.490.6831

A North American Distributor for Witango (http://www.witango.us)

Rapid Web Application Development - XML Execution Engine

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