Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think that they will do what we need because I 
have narrowed our problems down to a very weird event.

Here's what happens. We are using Tango in conjunction with R:BASE databases with the 
Oterro ODBC driver. Oterro has known issues regarding its multi-threading model, and 
it gets scrambled if you hit the data source to fast (refreshing) or if people hit it 
simultaneously. When this happens, the memory address that Tango is expecting to 
receive never returns and it sits in an infinite slumber. As far as Tango is 
considered, the data source is still active, and therefore will never drop the 
connection. We then need to restart the server to restore functionality.

The problem that this causes is that we are imprisoned to monitoring the server to 
keep things alive. We do not want to create a scheduled task to restart it because 
unnecessary restarts will cause many database errors and unhappy users. It can go for 
days without any problems, and then need restarted a dozen times in a single day.

I need a way to check to see when the system is hung to restart it. I have explored 
monitoring the Tango service, but because Tango itself isn't hung, the service does 
not return anything suspicious. I was going to use a crontab file to do a small 
database query every fifteen minutes or so, and see how long it took. If the time was 
excessive, I would be able to conclude that Oterro was hung, and could restart Tango, 
or better yet, reset all the data source connections so that Oterro could reset 
itself. That would be the ultimate work-around for now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Wolfe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Disconnecting Data Sources

I'm not sure if this works but you could give it a try.

The dataSourceLife setting specifies how long each datasource should last
before timing out in minutes.

Maybe you can try setting system$dataSourceLife to 0 (which will make all
datasources close right after use the docs say) which should close all
datasources, then set it back to whatever it was before (default is 30).


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