Title: Message
Ted, we are using Highwire by Corda. We have had great success with it and all of it's modules can be accessed as COM objects which makes programming trivial. You could easily generate a number of reports, save them to the server and bring them back as PDF documents. We use this with Witango and are finding ever more applications with it. We are just now finishing up a project where we generate documents from Witango, convert them to PDF with Highwire, and use Witango to then route the PDF from individual to individual within the company for electronic signature with Adobe 6.0
One of the features I like about Highwire is that if you define your report as a table with the column headings as <TH> tags, if the report runs for more than a page length, Highwire automatically copies the heading information, and the headings to the next page for you. This makes reading a report spanning multiple pages extremely nice. It's also nice that you don;t have to do anything to make this happen. The software does it all for you.
What you want to do is completely possible. Check out www.corda.com (No, I don;t get a kickback, just a happy client *grins*)
-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Wolfley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:34 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk: batch printing witango web pages

We have a client who wants to know if Witango can batch print web pages, either to a PDF file or using the browser's printer.   The existing taf creates an index of names with hyperlinks to individual profile of each person which is then printed by using the print button on the browser.  The client would like to eliminate the middle step of opening each profile individually. 
The data is coming from SQL Server 2000 on a  Windows 2000 server.

Ted Wolfley
Database/Internet Programmer
The Ogden Group of Rochester
phone: (585) 321 1060 x23
fax: (585) 321 0043


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