Hi all !

I have a question about calling a Custom Tag from within a tcf.

>From inside a .tcf and <@rows>……I call a Custom Tag
<@Check_File_Exists filepath='xxxxxx’>

to see if corresponding .pdf file exists for that <@currow> and that works fine.

On the html page being produced I also have other links to press and if I do that a receive a new html page with detail information,
but  if I press ‘Backspace’ or ‘Back’ on my browser to go back to the previous page I get ‘Warning page has Expired’.

I have tried to clean out my temporary internet files but with no success.

If I don’t call the Custom Tag from within the .tcf then it works again.

What is it that I don’t get here ?
Do I have to check all rows for pdf files before showing the page or what ?



/Best regards

Bengt Bredin


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