I have tried it twice, it did NOT crash. (same studio version, under

However, I avoid using the Assign action. 
Last time I used it, I pressed the key [ENTER] in the last column, which
appended the non-visible CR to the value. In other words, a variable like
@@domain$var (an integer 5) would pe represented inside witango as 5[CR].
And that [CR] would be preserved no matter what arithmetic operations I
would do with @@domain$var, and produce unexpected results in the target
file. Very annoying indeed!

- Mike 

-----Original Message-----
From: John McGowan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:01
Subject: Witango-Talk: Development Studio Crashing on Windows VERY ANNOYING.

The following step are causing My witango dev studio to crash... This is
making my job very dificult.  anybody else having this problem?

Version: 5.5.08

Open Witango Studio
Create New Taf File
Add Assign Action to New Taf
Double Click on Assign Action
Change Scope From Default to Request
-----------Dev Studio Crashes-----------

Date: Wed May 12 12:59:53 2004

Product: Witango Studio
Version: 5.5.08
License Key: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
Operating System: Windows NT, 5.1, 2600, Service Pack 1 Unhandled exception:

This happens every time I try to modify the scope of a new assign 
action.   Making my life very painful right now. 

If anybody is experiencing this and knows of a workaround I'd be very
interested to know it.


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