Title: Setting Witango variables inside of Javascript

   I've searched the discussion list and I know this has been asked before, because I believe I've asked it. *laughs* Here's what I would like to do. I want to call a tcf which will query the resolution setting on a users screen and set a Witango variable to be returned to the calling program.

I have the _javascript_ working just fine. We know the resolution. Now I want to assign that value to a Witango variable and here's where I'm stumbling. How do I do that assignment in _javascript_ so I can return to the main program? In the past I have set up a form and set the value of a hidden field and then used the @ARG value but that does not pertain in this case. I have looked at the @Setparam metatag but I'll be damned if I can figure it out.

  Any help will be appreciated!

Gene Wolf
Business Systems Analyst, TLMN
DRS Optronics, Inc.
2330 Commerce Park Drive
Palm Bay, Florida  32905
Phone: 321-309-0685

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