Thanks John,

I will look into it.

John (Dude)

Dude,  :)  ( i forgot your real name)

I know this probably isn't an option for you, but you could run Apache instead of IIS and use apache's authentication.

A more possible solution for you would be to run a program that we used in the past called DAF (Dynamic Authentication Filter)

Here's  a little blurb from their site...

DAF is a complete package to handle Web-user authentication on an NT/IIS server, it includes:

    * an ISAPI filter (/DAF/) which handles authentication for all
      incoming HTTP requests received by IIS
    * an ASP application (/Web User Manager/) to manage users in any
      DAF databases through a Web interface
    * an ASP component (/DAFTools/) to easily manage DAF users in ASP

You can connect to any ODBC data source for your user database. We're running it on one site right now (same situation that you had someone else built a site in ASP that we were hosting and needed a quick way to control access to the site)

It's been a long time since we looked for this type of functionality, and we won't have the issue anymore when we migrate all of our stuff over to Apache so I can't guarantee that there isn't another tool out there better than this one, but this one just might be what you're looking for.



Windows 2000
Witango 2000

I'll try to make this short.

On one of my servers I have 20 CALs. I have had an increase in the number of clients that require authenticated logins to certain parts of their sites. I knew, but really didn't think this through, that each login using Windows authenticaton requires a CAL. Along with that are the ftp sites that all require a CAL. Anyway, I got a couple of errors in my event log that are showing that I am running out of CALs. It seems that if you have a site that requires a login and you use Windows to authenticate, every login requires a CAL. In other words, one site that has 200 users that require logins, regardless of whether or not the username and passwaord are the same, requires 200 CALs.

I checked with Windows and it appears that you can write your own login method using your own program that would require no CALS because it bypasses the Windows authentication process. This is great for the sites that I have developed using Witango. I could just write a taf that requires a login on the front end, and check on every hit that the login is valid and the user can go on.

But I have several sites that I host that I have no control over. One of these sites has a part that requires authentication and uses up many CALs each day for their users. I offered to write a front end to access the site, but what about the rest of the site? I cannot switch the whole site over to Witango to check on every file that a login exists. Has anyone else figured a way around this?

I believe I would have to buy a Windows hosting license in order to get unlimited CALs but the cost is a bit prohibitive at this time. I already purchased the SQL Internet connect license (which costs a bundle) and now am faced with the cost of the hosting license. The SQL license was 4000.00 if I remember correctly and I think the hosting license is the same if not more. And this is just on one server. What if I needed it on the other servers. I could see this getting a little bit out of hand.

The company I am working for is not doing very well financially at the moment and the buying of the hosting license is not in the cards for the near future. Any thoughts on this or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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