Roland Dumas at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> that's what the ODBC-related crashes look like. Might be related to
> when the datasource connection expires.

Hmmm, less than what I would call robust. Is there a solution to the ODBC

That said, there have been some events since. I eventually decided to
restart the server, but it had other ideas. It got as far as loading the
menu bar and then got into a cycle of flashing the menu bar on and off
repeatedly. I tried starting in Safe mode but didn't know enough about the
shell to do anything useful. Tried several other key holds but to no avail.

I figured I could do a repair with the system disks but no, it wants to
erase the volume.

Eventually I started in Target disk mode (yes, an X Serve will do that) and
daisy chained my Powerbook - X Serve - 30Gb drive and did a back up to the

I then reinstalled OS X Server, WebStar, Witango, FileMaker and all the
other bits. Did much of it with the installers (from the back up drive), but
also copied over the 'Webserver' folder and various Witango License files
and configs.

The current set up hasn't crashed yet. The Witango process shows as Hung in
the activity monitor but still runs. Anybody know what a 'Hung' process
actually is.

This has been a fairly painful process and 10 months of (part time) work and
many thousands of aussie dollars spent and I'm still not convinced it's

Thank you for your feedback Roland. It would have been a fairly quiet and
lonely process otherwise (hint to Witango support ;) )

Wayne Irvine

                  Byte Services Pty Ltd
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Ph 02 9960 6099   Mob 0409 960 609   Fax 02 9960 6088


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